
Keep track of all your calls in your Group using the Phanes Leaderboard.

👨‍đŸ’ģ How it works

In Telegram Groups we recommend to turn off anonymous appearance.

🕹ī¸ Commands


  • /lb or /leaderboard

    • You can also pass a time, e.g. /lb 1d, 1w, 1mo

    • You can also view a longer leaderboard with: /lb 1d 25 which returns the top 25.

  • /stats <@username>

    • View user's stats from your group. For more click here.

  • Sometimes the leaderboard shows false data. This can happen if a coin rugs. To fix this you can use the following commands: /setrug <contract address> and /unsetrug <contract address


  • /leaderboard

  • /stats

🎊 Emoji Ranks

When a coin is queried for the first time, a "First Call" footer will be added. This footer will display how many first calls the user has made in the past 24 hours, as well as the user's emoji rank. The emoji rank is based on points, calculated as follows:

Points, Emoji & Hit Rate Calculation
Point Calculation
<= 1:      -2 points
1 - 1.3:   -1 point
1.3 - 1.8:  0 points
1.8 - 5:   +1 point
5 - 10:    +2 points
10 - 20:   +3 points
20 - 50:   +4 points
50 - 100:  +7 points
100 - 200: +10 points
200>:      +15 points
< 0 points:    😭
0-2 points:    😊
2-5 points:    😎
5-10 points:   🎉
10-15 points:  💸
15-20 points:  đŸ”Ĩ
20-30 points:  🚀
30 > points:   🌙
Hit Rate
Any call above 2x is counted as a successful trade.

👨‍đŸŗ User Stats

You are able to view user stats by either clicking on the user's name within the leaderboard or by using the command: /stats <@username>.

To access the Hit Rate and all calls you must be a PRO subscriber.

📊 PNL Card

We offer a PNL image for every first caller in your group. You can generate a PNL image with /pnl <coin/ca> or by clicking on an emoji within your /leaderboard

📊 Group PNL Card

You can generate a Group PNL with /gpnl <period>, e.g. /gpnl 7d.

📂 Export Leaderboard

PRO subs are able to export the Leaderboard to a CSV file with /elb <period>.

Last updated